Disease table of ALAGILLE SYNDROME OMIM ID: PS118450

Gene-disease associations table

Download the disease annotation in CSV format

Relations among genes:

Tandem repeat annotations from DGD
Cytogenetic band analysis
Transcription Factors (TF) annotation from TRRUST
Interactions from BIOGRID - physical

Direct interactions graph
Interactions graph (direct and indirect interactions, when direct are not available)

Interactions from BIOGRID - genetic
Interactions from STRING
Interactions from CORUM
Interactions from CENSUS
Interactions from PDB
Interactions from manually curated literature
KEGG pathways annotation: shared terms / NET-GE enrichment

Shared terms

NET-GE enrichment

REACTOME pathways annotation: shared terms / NET-GE enrichment

Shared terms

NET-GE enrichment

GO - molecular function annotation: shared terms / NET-GE enrichment

Shared terms

NET-GE enrichment

GO - biological process annotation: shared terms / NET-GE enrichment

Shared terms

NET-GE enrichment

GO - cellular component annotation: shared terms (no NET-GE enrichment)

Shared terms